Water Spot Removal from Dishes

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How do I prevent water spots from forming on my dishes?

Water Spot Removal from Dishes

When washing dishes, add a little vinegar to the water. The vinegar prevents water spots from forming on the dishes.



2/2/2008 2:44:56 PM
Nadine said:

This is great I believe it is helpful. maybe adding vinegar to a dishwasher can help instead of the expensive rinse aids. Its a big money saver.

2/2/2008 2:45:01 PM
Nadine said:

This is great I believe it is helpful. maybe adding vinegar to a dishwasher can help instead of the expensive rinse aids. Its a big money saver.

2/2/2008 2:45:07 PM
Nadine said:

This is great I believe it is helpful. maybe adding vinegar to a dishwasher can help instead of the expensive rinse aids. Its a big money saver.

2/11/2008 5:05:36 PM
Margaret said:

I have used vinegar for alot of things but never for water spots...but it works, thanks.

I use one cup in a gallon of water to mop my hardwood floors. It does a good job, is inexpensive, and does not hurt the shine of the wood.


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