Metal Range Hood Filter Screen Cleaning

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How do I clean my range hood?

Metal Range Hood Filter Screen Cleaning

Even though we put it off, we'll probably end up cleaning the range hood during the course of our kitchen cleaning. To clean accumulated dust, grease and grime from the metal filters or screens of your range hood, simply spray with oven cleaner, let sit 15 minutes and put them through a normal wash cycle of your automatic dishwasher. For best results use a soap recommended for washing dishes that are greasy.



8/2/2006 8:20:22 AM
Lynda Baxley said:

This works, but a little stinky and some folks might hand wash dishes. I used an oxy-clean type of powder and lightly boiled the whole mess in an over-sized pot. It's shocking how much grease is trapped. For gooey filters, more boiling may be needed. P.S. The pot is cleaned too!

8/2/2006 10:03:09 AM
Marlene Blume said:

What if you don't have an automatic dishwasher?

8/2/2006 11:40:28 AM
Lee Fletcher said:

a better product for cleaning hood filters is a product bought at costco called oil eater and it is not as hard on the protective coating of your filters as oven cleaner. it melts the grease away as you watch it and you wipe it off with a wet cloth.

11/22/2007 10:02:00 AM
Cathy said:

I just put mine in the dishwasher regularly. It works real well. Of course, if there is a lot of grease buildup, it might not work so well.


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