Dishwasher Stain Removal

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How do I remove stains from my dishwasher?

Dishwasher Stain Removal

You may think that since your dishwasher uses soap for washing dishes, its inside is spotless. This isn't always the case however, as dishwashers can take on yellow stains. to quickly remove these, first allow your empty machine to fill for a wash. Then add a package of flavored orange crystals (the kind that make instant orange beverages) and allow the wash and rinse cycle to complete. How's that for a kitchen cleaning tip!



7/29/2006 11:00:18 PM
ruby said:

sounds bizarre but i'll try it!

11/14/2007 3:10:28 PM
Connie said:

I've used this method for years. It works great.
You can also use Lemonaide powdered drink mixes that come in individual packets.

11/16/2007 2:20:58 PM
kelly said:

like tang or kool aid


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