Weight Lifting Gloves Care and Cleaning

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How can I clean my weight lifting gloves?

Weight Lifting Gloves Care and Cleaning

You can wash your gloves with cold water and a mild soap, then air dry them while they are laying flat. Saddle soap or Murphy's Oil Soap are also very effective at cleaning leather, and can be used to remain any stains or odors. To keep your gloves soft and pliable, and prevent cracking, you can use a leather conditioner such as Lexol.



10/8/2007 5:10:37 PM
Debra said:

Just remember, you don't want slippery boxing gloves.

10/11/2007 9:31:59 AM
Carmen said:

Washing in cold water and mild soap doesn't kill the staph that is going around in most high school locker rooms and weight lifting rooms. You must use bleach, hot water, dryer, &/or antibacterial soap.


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