Shining Wood Furniture

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How do I clean wood furniture?

Shining Wood Furniture

To add shine to wooden furniture, rub it with vinegar before polishing.



3/26/2007 5:01:32 PM
kris said:

I have never tried to use vinegar on wooden funiture before! I have used 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 warm water to clean my kitchen cabnets and that worked wonders! I will have to try your tip thanks!

8/31/2008 10:10:22 AM
Phisherman said:

I would not try this. It may alter the pH of the wood and change its color, possibly blotching the wood. Plus, it is not a good idea to apply any water-based product to wood, as this will raise the grain, depending finish protection. If you really want furniture to shine, apply Butcher's wax or Johnson's paste wax and buff to a soft luster. The wax will add some limited protection too. Mineral spirits will clean most wood and won't harm most finishes.

8/31/2008 3:19:20 PM
Liza Hintze said:

I'm not sure what 'before polishing' means, but I do know that just washing wood floors with water and vinegar can bring a shine to wood floors.

8/31/2008 11:22:31 PM
KYcindylou said:

I have used vinegar and olive oil to take out water marks on furniture, but haven't heard of using just vinegar.


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