Whitening Rubber Shoe Soles

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How to I clean white rubber shoe soles?

Whitening Rubber Shoe Soles

To get your white rubber soles white again, try using white-wall cleaner (designed for tires). Follow the package directions for cleaning tires. You could also try ice skate cleaner that you can purchase from a sporting goods shop.



10/14/2007 12:59:03 PM
miranda said:

I haven't tried this yet, but it sounds harsh.

10/14/2007 5:16:41 PM
a said:

I LOVE the Majic Erasers which also work great to clean crock style shoes.

11/1/2007 9:30:24 AM
Dave said:

Mr. Clean magic eraser works very nicely on rubber shoe soles; especially on white.

8/10/2009 12:50:33 PM
james said:

this stuff just might work


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