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An effective way to remove the ink stains on leather items is by using either hair spray or Armor All. Just spray the stain, then wipe it with a soft cloth. To be sure that this will not effect the dyes in your leather, be sure to try this in a non-visible area first.
Yes hair spray will remove ink stain, also from patent leather shoes. "Goo Gone" is also an excellent cleaner, it, removes the sticky tags from many items.
hair spray or Armor All neither one worked
My son got angry and wrote all over my leather couch. This worked GREAT!!!!! Nothing else seemed to work.
Does not work with permanent magic marker on leather.
Does not work with permanent magic marker on leather
(Armor All).
My sister used this method to get ink off of vinyl covered chairs and it worked. I've never tried leather but saw the results on vinyl.
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