Eliminating Static Cling

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How do I eliminate static cling from clothing and hair?

Eliminating Static Cling

To eliminate static cling from clothing, stroke the garment with a wire hanger. Do the same for your hair if static in your hair is also a problem.



4/15/2007 1:26:42 PM
Liza said:

When my daughter is getting ready for school in the mornings, her hair always gets staticy from putting her shirt on. I just put a little water on my hands, (just a little tiny bit, as not to soak her hair,) & rub over top of her hair. It takes the static right out.

7/2/2007 3:57:54 PM
happi said:

gload to see this have tried softners etc. will try this seems so easy

12/18/2007 4:42:42 AM
megan said:

it really worked for me! and esspecialy the day of my consert!

11/19/2008 7:19:35 PM
Tim Campbell said:

To eliminate the static out of your article of clothing, simply let it dry on a rack.

12/9/2008 8:53:20 AM
LaDoll said:

A great tip. Thanks.

12/9/2008 9:13:04 AM
Peggy Sue said:

Very Interesting.I will definately try it and let you know how it works!

2/3/2009 8:31:48 AM
Jackie Blyth said:

Many thanks - solved my problem!!

4/13/2009 6:03:49 PM
tracia said:

This works great - my slip nolonger gets clingy!


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