Egg Stain Removal from Clothing

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How do I remove an egg stain?

Egg Stain Removal from Clothing

To remove an egg stain, cover the area with salt and let sit an hour before washing.



7/23/2007 6:30:59 AM
Rohit said:

who has thi much time.

12/30/2008 7:30:49 AM
M. E. said:

this does actually work, but do not use sea salt, too abrasive and it does not get the job done. Good old fashioned table salt is the way to go and if it is a delicate fabric DO NOT RUB IN! (found that out the hard way on a beautiful Michael Kors suit)

7/14/2011 8:30:27 PM
Yasmin Chandia said:

Fantastic!!!! So easy so quick and so cheap.


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