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You can get rid of lipstick stains by applying some non-gel toothpaste to the mark. Rub the toothpaste well into the garment, then wash as usual.
If this doesn't work, try using a dry-cleaning solvent. To do this, put the item down on an old towel, apply the solvent and use an edge of the towel to soak up solvent and stain. Launder as usual. If any color remains, try using ammonia and water.
works nominally
This came in very useful. My 3yr old decided to get into my lipstick and I couldn't remember how to get it out. Good thing all I use is paste toothpaste.
This toothpaste tip really does work just make it is not the whitening kind it has the ability to lighten the garment where the stain is, but regular toothpaste works wonders(I learnrd this tip a long time ago from my great grammy)
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