How to Make Your Own Deodorant

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How to Make Your Own Deodorant

Making your own deodorant is friendly on your wallet, your skin, as well as the environment. Homemade deodorants are inexpensive, natural and have no side effects on the user. There are no harsh chemicals nor irritating fragrances. Follow the steps below to make your own deodorant out of items you may already have in your pantry.


  • 50 grams of baking soda

  • 32 grams of cornstarch

  • 10 drops of tea tree oil

  • 2 table spoonfuls of melted coconut oil


  1. Thoroughly mix the baking soda, tea tree oil and cornstarch in a bowl.

  2. Next add the coconut oil and stir until the mixture is smooth.

  3. Pour the mixture into a container for easy access- an old deodorant stick or a small glass container, for example. Give it a couple days to harden.

Note: You can make different scents simply by varying the use of essential oils. Rather than tea tree oil, try rose, lavender, sandalwood or eucalyptus. These are ideal choices as they have the same anti-bacterial properties as tea tree oil. You can also opt for chamomile, which is a good skin soother. Start by adding just a few drops and continue progressively until you achieve your desired scent.



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