How to Make Your Own Soap

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How to Make Your Own Soap

Making your own soap is a fantastic way to incorporate an all natural product into your daily routine. It's also a great way to save some money on your household budget. Considering how often you and your family use soap, ensuring it's made from healthy ingredients is a smart idea for everyone.

Follow these easy steps to make your own soap.


  • 3 cups of water

  • 1 clean glass

  • plastic gloves

  • goggles

  • 12 oz.can of lye

  • 3 lb lard or 48 oz.olive oil

  • Plastic 10-by-12 inch pan


  1. Store the 3 cups of water in the fridge overnight for the proper temperature. Pour the water into the glass.

  2. Put on the goggles and plastic gloves. Double check that there are no holes in your safety gear.

  3. Using a non-metal stirring utensil, add the lye to the glass slowly, stirring carefully as you pour. Do not allow the vapor to come into contact with your skin or airways.

  4. Let the mixture cool in a safe place for at least an hour. As it cools, unwrap the lard and warm it to room temperature in the plastic pan. Do not use metal. If using olive oil, pour into pan and allow it to settle.

  5. Pour the lye mixture slowly into the pan containing the lard or olive oil. Be careful not to let it come in contact with your skin. Now mix thoroughly for at least 15 minutes until it has the consistency of thick pudding.

  6. Allow the mixture 24 hours to set. After hardening, cut into bars or large chips and let it harden for several more days, then wrap with plastic. If you used olive oil, let the mixture harden for roughly one week, then wrap with plastic.

Your skin will thank you!



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