Simple Spring Cleaning

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Simple Spring Cleaning

It's that time of year again and things are starting to feel cluttered around your home. Start with a checklist for house cleaning to get you started. This will provide the framework and structure necessary to keep you from going off track.

To start your checklist, grab a pen and paper. Draw three lines straight down the page and create headings across the top: ITEM - YARD SALE - JUNK. Now, visit every room of your house. Is there anything in that particular room that you know you're never going to use or need again? Write it down. These things will be the first to go.

As you're assessing what stays and what goes, place a checkmark under one of the other categories. For example, if the item is worth selling, place a check mark on YARD SALE. If it's garbage or recyclable, place a check mark under JUNK.

When you're finished going through every room of your house (don't forget the garage!) it's time to come up with a solid plan. Schedule a serious work day and get it all done at once. You may need some help so enlist friends or a family member to help out. Entice them with food and beverages and you won't have any trouble at all getting the help you need. Just remember...stick to your list and keep with the plan.



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