Baby Wipe Magic

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How do I remove stains?

Baby Wipe Magic

As silly as it sounds, baby wipes are a great way of removing stains and are also great for cleaning in general. They pretty much can remove anything!



9/10/2006 4:14:14 AM
Judy said:

Except for leather furniture where they will destroy the finish on the leather and lead to problems.

10/26/2006 2:16:23 PM
Lady Ashcraft said:

Regarding the "Baby Wipe Magic", I agree completely! Also, since they are gentle on baby's skin, I think they would be safe on most surfaces

11/3/2006 3:59:02 AM
jac said:

frightening to think we use them on our babies bottoms

5/22/2007 9:31:51 AM
mani said:

I have used them to get permanent marker off my son's face and the kitchen table!

6/27/2007 11:15:31 PM
Acacia said:

Baby wipes will even remove tar from the bottom of your foot, which is near to impossible to do!

6/28/2007 1:16:00 PM
Nichole said:

except crayone on eggshell paint

6/29/2007 10:43:17 AM
Irland said:

This is so true about wipes. I carry them everywhere with three kids.

6/29/2007 5:56:25 PM
pat said:

Baby wipes work the best to remove 2-part epoxy glue from fingers and drips when you repair a glass or plastic break .

12/4/2008 1:14:04 AM
Nok said:

Honestly I stopped using disposable wipes because they leave a sticky film and loose fibers on my children's skin. I switched to flannel wipes and do not even keep the throw away kind around the house anymore...

12/4/2008 5:15:35 AM
Bren said:

I've been using them to remove stains on clothes, upholstery, and carpets since long before I had a baby. Huggies is the best for stain removal.

12/4/2008 8:42:41 AM
Melody said:

However, I used baby wipes to wipe a stain off of a favorite shirt of mine and it bleached the area out. This was using the Kirkland Brand from Costco... beware.

12/4/2008 10:02:11 AM
gbwells said:

Good thing babies don't have a finish on their bottoms....

12/4/2008 11:31:41 AM
ken said:

Also great for cleaning cats and dogs rather than a bath in cold months.

9/19/2011 9:02:32 PM
Marjorie Bartlett said:

Didn't find Baby Wipes with white eraser much good so tried White Vinegar. Managed to fade them. You wouldn't think pencil would be so hard to remove from the Satin. Oh! Well hope the Silk Embroindery c overs it enough

2/7/2012 1:17:24 AM
kathleen west said:

when I was driving a big rig for a living I carried baby wipes and whenever I got fifth wheel grease on my t-shirts, it took the grease right out of my shirts, and jeans.


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