Aluminum Window Frame Cleaning

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How can I clean the inside of my window tracks?

Aluminum Window Frame Cleaning

When we're cleaning our windows, there are areas we don't forget. We like to make sure the glass shines. We'll also clean the sills and the frames. The inside tracks however, are a whole other story. The window cleaning supplies needed to clean aluminum window frames are liquid dishwashing soap, a scouring pad, and a soft toothbrush or cotton swab to clean the inside corners. After the window frames are clean, rub the area with a little mineral oil (food oils can turn rancid) or even baby oil to keep the window moving smoothly.



2/23/2007 5:59:26 PM
joe said:

aluminun is an alloy and needs to be cleaned with an abrassive try baking soda and a med tooth brach coat with alight oil

2/23/2007 9:35:06 PM
marc said:

great tip...I've used 3in1 oil but mineral would work well for the windows,me and kitty!!

2/24/2007 9:55:14 AM
Joyce T said:

And don't forget rubber gloves! Everything (and I mean everything) gets black and really messy. I also have to use bleach to kill the mold as they sweat incessantly. Obviously I hate my aluminum windows.

2/25/2007 5:16:04 PM
Sister Virginia Marie said:

Using the oil is a great idea to keep the windows moving. How would WD-40 work? Those corners are hard to clean. Toothbrushes come in handy for many cleaning chores. Thank you.

7/31/2007 4:53:07 PM
Marty said:

Even better for smooth window operation is to dust the tracks with graphite. This is used to lubricate metal, such as the wheel axles on model cars. This avoids the cleaning difficultites you have later after the oil mixes with dust and dirt.

11/9/2007 2:22:39 PM
mike tillmans said:

I was told never to use an abrasive on the aluminum frames. won't the scouring pad leave gouges that will fill in with dirt later?

11/16/2008 7:31:08 PM
Mary said:

I am moving into a home where I am sure the frames had never been cleaned. I used my little steamer, it loosed that built up grime quickly


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