Grater Cleaning

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How do I clean a grater?

Grater Cleaning

Certain items present a challenge when washing dishes. Consider the grater, with all of it's holes and crevices, it can turn a sponge to shreds. Try this kitchen cleaning tip: To clean a grater, brush the wrong side with a toothbrus. You might also try grating a potato after grating cheese which will help to dislodge and cheese that is stuck in the tiny holes. Sharpen a grater by rubbing with sandpaper.



6/13/2009 9:38:35 AM
Adoris said:

Spray the grater with Pam before using and it will clean up in a jiffy!

6/13/2009 7:15:51 PM
dgirl said:

I've always used a kitchen brush to clean my graters then throw them in the dishwasher. Works like a charm--especially if you do it before the cheese dries. Otherwise, let them soak first, then brush.


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