Buckskin and Deerskin Care

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How do I clean buckskin?

Buckskin and Deerskin Care

To clean buckskin or deerskin garments, wash them with a damp cloth and mild dishwashing soap, using gentle strokes. Rinse thoroughly, air dry away from heat or direct sunlight. If you need more abrasion, scrub the garment with damp sand or salt, very fine sandpaper or commercial buckskin cleaner. Never twist or wring the article.



5/22/2007 5:29:49 AM
Linda CW said:

I think this is a very good tip. The art of living with and/or cleaning buckskin & leather is becoming a knowledge gap. Sometimes the old ways should be remembered. Who knows when we might need them.

8/5/2009 8:33:36 PM
cierra said:

I'm pretty sure you do that after you, scrub It all down with It's brain guts and your own uran!


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