Nail Polish Stain Removal from Clothing

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How do I get nail polish off fabric?

Nail Polish Stain Removal from Clothing

You should be able to remove the nail polish with either dry cleaner fluid or nail polish remover. I would recommend trying the product on a non-visible area first, to make sure that it does not cause the color to run in the fabric. Try to use the most mild nail polish remover possible.



7/7/2007 7:15:00 AM
Wilma House said:

I HAVE tried the nail polish remover on my linen slacks and it did NOT come out!!!!!!!

7/8/2007 12:59:19 PM
mimi said:

i tried to get nail polish out of my rug by using nail polish remover but it didn't work what should i use?

8/20/2007 5:14:07 PM
mscott said:

don't advise this because of the acetate

8/20/2007 9:37:00 PM
Rachel said:

Dry cleaning fluid works best as nail polish remover has oils in it which cause shimmer-stain

8/21/2007 6:59:10 AM
imasterling said:

Great tip as my girls are constantly getting polish on their clothing!

8/22/2007 10:17:51 AM
Corrine Janitscheck said:

i was doing my nails and dropped one drop of wine colored nail polish on my white pants last summer, finger nail polish wes the first thing i tried,a year later i still have the same stain

11/17/2007 11:41:31 PM
c said:

I tried nail polish removal it didnt work what should i do .....yellow sheets red nail polish!

1/28/2009 12:14:50 PM
kittycat Pat said:

"The most mild nail polish remover possible" is called NON ACETONE. Fingernail polish remover that contains acetone will ruin clothing containing synthetic fibers.

1/28/2009 12:24:41 PM
kittycat Pat said:

"The most mild nail polish remover possible" is called NON ACETONE. Fingernail polish remover that contains acetone will ruin clothing containing synthetic fibers.

6/18/2009 4:32:35 PM
Margaret said:

Did not work for me! Also tried shampoo and paint remover. So far no success.

8/3/2009 8:42:40 PM
--- said:

ramover does not work!


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