Enamel Paint Stain Removal from Clothing

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How can I remove enamel paint from my clothing?

Enamel Paint Stain Removal from Clothing

You should be able to remove the paint stain by rubbing the area with liquid dishwashing detergent, let stand a few minutes, then wash. If the stain is persistent, you can spray the stain with Easy-Off oven cleaner, let set for about 30 minutes, then launder. Test this on a non-visible area first to check for color fastness in your pants. I would recommend washing the pants in cold or warm water, as hot water will cause them to fade and wear faster.



6/16/2007 12:37:39 PM
hb said:

this doesnt work..iv just wasted nearly half bottle of liquid detergent and yet nothing came off...

9/19/2007 7:39:12 PM
Jackie said:

Fabulous. it got my stain right out!!

1/16/2009 6:20:50 PM
ollie said:

useful, what about woolen clothinng>


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