Removing Yellow Stains from Vinyl and Linoleum Floors

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How can I remove yellow stains in vinyl or linoleum?

Removing Yellow Stains from Vinyl and Linoleum Floors

White or light vinyl may turn yellow from soil trapped between layers of wax; in that case remove the wax and recoat clean floor. Too much sunlight can also yellow a white vinyl floor.



3/3/2007 10:36:04 AM
cass said:

the tip only deals with how to treat a waxed floor. I need to know how to get yellow (from my dogs little accidents!) out of the floor and this doesn't help me at all.

10/3/2007 7:36:00 PM
Tamara said:

How do I get the wax off???

10/25/2007 10:56:14 AM
spunky said:

yellowing was caused by rubber back throw rug

11/8/2008 9:39:29 PM
Teri said:

I wanted to know what works best at removing old wax, and those yellow stains.

7/28/2009 10:40:22 PM
Tricia said:

Great tip but you don't say what kind of a remover and cleaner to use.

10/9/2009 9:21:50 AM
Lois Racine said:

I have a yellowish stain on my kitchen floor.
I think it's from the rugs' backing (rubber) but I remove them when I wash the floors until the floor is dry. Is there anything that can remove that yellowish stain like color from it?


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