Tomato Stain Removal from Clothing

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How can I remove a tomato stain from my clothing?

Tomato Stain Removal from Clothing

To remove a tomato stain, try using an enzyme pre-soak spray. An enzyme pre-soak product is a stain remover that contains an enzyme which digest the stain in the same way that your body digests food. Two commercial brand names of this type of product are Biz and Axion, although others are also available. When purchasing one, make sure it says enzyme on the label, and follow the directions.



6/13/2007 5:04:34 PM
Diane said:

What if I have no Biz or Axion?

7/31/2007 6:44:06 AM
Angela said:

With summer in full swing this is a great tip.

7/31/2007 9:21:13 AM
shadowshinae said:

the stain sticks work well to use immediately as well, but i do agree that this works and should be the way to follow up

7/31/2007 1:29:09 PM
bob said:

I grow and love to eat tomatoes, tried the tip, works very well, us sloppy tomatoe eaters thank you for the tip.

7/31/2007 2:18:01 PM
ELise said:

Hanging said item in the sun for a while will remove tomato stains without chemicals.

8/2/2007 4:58:51 PM
jim said:

why didn't i think of this--the enzymes digest the spill just like you when you were eating the pizza and the food fell on your clothes.

8/14/2007 7:18:21 AM
Betty said:

When someone brought a young child to an aduts only dinner, I did not want to embarras either the parent or the child, so I took a chance on losing my good white table cloth and the napkins and was horrified to witness what I thought was the loss of them both AND my blouse as well on the gamble! I used Biz for my white cotton blouse and table linens. I did not even have a shadow remaining afterwards!

8/20/2007 9:54:08 AM
Karen said:

Worth a try

4/14/2008 3:05:06 PM
Hate2Wash said:

Wash the clothing, and hang outside in the bright sun to dry. The natural sun fades the tomato stain like nothing else can do!

1/7/2009 7:06:47 PM
Wanda Martinez said:

The tip may have been more useful if the material to be used for the stain remover are materials already available in the kitchen......


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