Silly Putty Removal from Clothing

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How do I remove Silly Putty from my clothes?

Silly Putty Removal from Clothing

You should be able to remove Silly Putty from clothing by placing the stain over a bowl and allowing gravity to pull out the Silly Putty. If it is more ground in, try freezing it by placing an ice cube in a bag and holding the bag over the stain, then chipping it off with a bread knife. If this doesn't work, try spraying the stain with WD-40 to loosen the Silly Putty and pull off the stain. Launder as usual.



7/6/2006 8:14:42 PM
Karen said:

Sprayed jeans with WD-40, let sit 10 minutes, scraped with a knife and laundered. Worked well.

2/19/2007 11:32:52 AM
Kacie said:

Poured Lestoil on pajama's. Rubbed fabric together until gone. It took a few minutes (about 10)and washed as usual. Worked beautifully.

4/11/2007 9:55:45 AM
Karen said:

Lestoil works better than WD-40. No need to scrape with a knife. Just let sit a few minutes and rub fabric together then launder as usual.

4/29/2007 6:49:47 PM
bobby said:

Hey ho lets go!!

9/4/2007 12:52:03 PM
priscilla said:

you can also spray hairspray onto the affected area. rub gently with toothbrush then put in washer, workes great!

9/6/2007 7:43:49 AM
Dawn said:

I used Goo Gone when my son got it all over his came out ok, but it left a stain because it was so ground in.

12/29/2008 8:27:10 PM
Bebe said:

This has been a ridiculous experience!!! WD-40
does work to some extent, is taking much longer than 10 minutes!

This is not the same product you made in the flesh color that could be rolled over the comics and pull a print of it when my children were small, nor...not even when my brother and I had it long ago.

Green is on everything and it seems to melt to the touch from the warmth of the body, string on everything, etc.

I suggest you go back to the drawing board and the lab. This was a damaging item in the Christmas stockings!!!!!

12/31/2008 9:17:41 AM
Shelby said:

got silly puddy on my bedspread. i am spraying it with WD 40 hope it works!!!

1/9/2009 4:29:57 AM
angela said:

will try the ice and get back with ya. my boy fell asleep with the crazy stuff!

1/31/2009 3:07:51 PM
Gillian said:

for frabric put rubbing alcohol on and then scrap with a butterknife. it got out the gunk.

2/16/2009 3:04:35 PM
joyce said:

thanks guys they both worked great! :)

3/17/2009 10:49:11 AM
mary said:

thank you so much i love how you helped us get it off happy saint patricks day

4/18/2009 2:57:54 PM
jenny said:

Would WD-40 work on a sweater also?

6/7/2009 4:48:08 PM
Brett said:

Simple Green works good also. Scraped as much off as possible, applied Simple Green, let stand for a min or two and then rubbed the fabric (a tee-shirt) together. The Silly Putty will role / ball up and then you can pick it off.

6/25/2009 5:19:29 PM
penny said:

WD-40 was the tip that worked the best!

7/7/2009 10:17:09 AM
Fabio said:

I'm about to do it now. I hope it works!

7/7/2009 11:36:42 AM
Viola said:

I had just bought a new navy blue dress for the 4th of July. A couple days later, I wore it on a long car ride to the beach. My sisters and I were playing with some silly putty to occup urselves, and some how it got underneath my dress. Since I had to sit there for a long time and wad unaware of the situation, when I got up silly putty was smeared all over the back of my dress. We tried sticking it in the freezer and peeling it off, but it didn't work. Then we searched online and found a very useful pocedure that worked fabulously! Here it is!

Spray with WD- 40
Let sit for about 20 minutes
Scrape off with metal spoon
Respray and and whipe off stain with cotton balls
Saturate cotton balls with rubbing alcohol
Blot stain and rinse
Smear dishwashing liquid on sponge
Whipe cloth


3/24/2015 9:12:34 AM
Samantha said:

Hi, I ran warm water over it occasionally adding soap (dish soap worked for me,) and scraping with a butter knife. When all the sticky stuff came off I just sprayed with stain remover. I recommend NOT scraping of when it first comes on instead while thewarm water is running over the cloth.


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